Ducks, Roosters + More !!!

Below you will see what I have in Ducks, Roosters,
Farm Animals, really just a good mix of eggcups.
Just click onto the small pictures you would
like to view and it will open into a larger picture.

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Brown Rooster (Japanese) Lustre Rooster with large comb (Japanese)
Orange Duck looking upwards (Japanese) Lustre Rooster (Japanese)
Lustre Duck looking upwards (German) Huge mouthed Duck, full lustre (Japanese)
White Duck looking upwards. Polka dots. (Japanese) Donkey (Japanese)
Blue Jay Female with white cup (Japanese) Blue Jay Male with hat on (Japanese)
Blue Jay Female full lustre (Japanese) Double large mouthed Duck (Japanese)
Gold trimmed lustre Duck (Japanese) Lustre Duck hand painted trim (Japanese)
Standing Sheep on grass (Japanese)