Nursery Rhymes

Below you will see what I have in Nursery Rhyme related eggcups
Just click onto the small pictures you would
like to view and it will open into a larger picture.

Email me

I have different colours in the English made Eggcups, if you wanted to see
a different colour please ask and I will scan it in for you if I have it.

Little Red Riding Hood #1 (English make) Little red Riding Hood #2 (Big Bad Wolf)
Mother Hubbard (English make) Old King Cole (English make) 
Little Bow Peep #1 Little Bow Peep #2 (Sheep)
Humpty Dumpty Bonzo #1 (Japanese make)
Bonzo #2 (Japanese make) Bonzo in a Top Hat (Japanese make and Rare!!)
Olloo, Bonzo's partner in crime (Japanese)